"SH&T always rises to the top." This is the second year my art has been rejected at a local, juried art show. My initial reaction was one of disappointment. You'd think they would make an effort to support local artists? I know they try; my work just has a lot more growing up to do.
An experience like that does make you deeply empathize with Vincent van Gogh. I can't imagine how this man dedicated his entire life to art, without ever selling a single painting (except for one). To constantly put yourself out there, only to have your ego crushed over and over again. My family told me not to cut off my ear. It would do me no good. They also kindly reminded me that "CREAM always rises to the top."
http://www.ascaryalabs.com/press-kit.html Do you like math and sciences? I was raised to believe that math and sciences were the answer to life; however, chemistry 11 and physics 12 didn’t feel very applicable to my daily existence. Why the disconnect?
Research shows that stories and anecdotes build interest in S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math), allowing students to view the scientific and technological materials as relevant and meaningful. With that in mind, our team of artists, teachers, programmers and engineers developed an app: Arya’s Adventures, to promote S.T.E.A.M. education through storytelling. Arya runs into trouble on a journey to visit Grandparents. After a plane crash, Arya strands on a deserted island and must overcome challenging situations, unique problems that require creative solutions, to find a way out of the jungle. Will Arya make it to the other side and be rescued off the island? Arya’s Adventures is now available for FREE worldwide on the Apple AppStore, with In-App purchases: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/aryas-adventures/id1065404636?mt=8 “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin. Artists go through phases and I must be going through a "dog" phase. I know Picasso went through different phases: blue and rose periods, cubism, surrealism, and expressionism to name a few, each lasting anywhere from 1 to 30 years. Other artists, like Pollock with his dripped paintings and Dali with his melting landscapes, stopped pursuing artistic exploration and experimentation, preferring to stick with what worked. I'm still in the exploration phase of my art journey, trying out different techniques and themes to find a signature style. I've used different mediums: acrylics and oils; experimented with different paraphernalia: brushes, kitchen utensils (spatulas, knives, even a crab pick), leather tools, and fingers to get that perfect line, unique texture or model curve. I’ve painted on different surfaces: fabric, paper, canvases, walls, glass, wood and utility boxes. Maybe like Picasso, I’ll never settle on one style. Instead of clothes shopping; paint supply, hardware and kitchen stores continue to be my preferred commercial venues to frequent. I feel I'm getting closer but am still trying to figure out to what. Nevertheless, for the time being, I continue to enjoy my 'dog' phase. I love dogs, always have, and this might just be my way to stay connected with man’s best friend. For the time being! Phase II of Pleasanton's Project Paint Box is complete.
This time, the 'drive by' box, as I came to nickname it, is located on the outskirts of town, where First street and Stanley Boulevard meet. The hummingbird images were inspired from a photograph taken by Douglas Grant, our beloved grandpa, who passed away last fall. It was comforting to think of grandpa while painting the hummingbirds. Thank you again Joanne and Bob Becker for sponsoring another box and for the steady supply of coffee frappuccinos to keep me cool in the hot, hot sun. Also, thank you Anna, for bringing me pizza for lunch one day. Here are four fun, nature themed designs, painted on large storage boxes in the children's section of Alviso Adobe's Milking Barn. Sixteen Sufi dancers later, I feel like I traveled to Turkey and back. I highly encourage you to visit Casbah, Livermore, and request a table in the big room. The surrounding energy will transport you into a different world: smell the warm, slightly sweet cumin blends; savor Middle Eastern fusion dishes; listen to the mythical blends of the setar, harmonium and tabla and watch the whirling dervishes come alive. You will leave, planning your next vacation to Istanbul. "Afiyet olsun," "bon appétit."
Fun, fun, fun! It took a lot longer than anticipated but I ended up meeting some wonderful people who either live near, hang out, or commute from and to the downtown Pleasanton area. Thank you Joanne Rossi Becker for sponsoring 'my' box.
Click below to read local newspaper articles of "Project Paint" Splash of Color Artwork on Display on Utility Boxes in Pleasanton. Pleasanton Painting the Town Red - and other Colors. How to Make Your Own Art Display Panels
Following the above diagram, on the side of each frame, place A one screw eye 8" from top right and B one screw eye 8" from bottom left. Place two screw eyes, 2" apart, at 7" and 9" from C top left and D bottom right. |
May 2024